4,766 Number of women aged 15-49 (thousands)1 2.32 Total Fertility Rate (TFR)1 54.3% Percent of Married Women 15-49 Using Contraception, Modern Methods2 1.1% Percent of women using IUDs Among Modern Contraceptive Users3 22.4% Percent with Unmet Need for Family Planning2
1 United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2022). World Population Prospects: The 2022 Revision, custom data acquired via website
2 United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2022). Model-based Estimates and Projections of Family Planning Indicators 2022, custom data acquired via website
3 UN Contraceptive Use by Method Data Booklet 2019
APROSER is a non for profit organization that trains physicians and other health care providers in matters related to sexual and reproductive rights in Guatemala, providing comprehensive assistance to women with unwanted pregnancy and ambulatory management of incomplete abortion (women who being pregnant have already begun an abortion process) and family planning issues. APROSER is an organization with 68 providers across the country; we represent ESAR foundation in Guatemala. APROSER contributes significantly to the creatiom of a favorable environment that facilitates good health and a better quality of life for women in context of vulnerability in Guatemala. ESAR was founded in 1990 and since its inception has worked in the region in the implementation of a model of care that makes possible the full exercise of sexual and reproductive rights through the prevention and comprehensive management of unwanted pregnancy and its social consequences. ESAR works in 10 countries in Central and South America. The ICA Foundation began working with APROSER in 2017 with an initial donation of 300 units to Guatemala City and until today 1.200 units have been donated.