Material for administrational needs
Donation Agreement
Before receiving an LNG IUS donation, this Donation Agreement letter must be signed by both the recipient organization as well as the ICA Foundation.
LNG IUS recipient organizations are requested to complete a Technical Progress Report every 6 months to submit to the ICA Foundation. The Board requests completed forms before each bi-annual meeting and will contact you with an official request.
Case Study Guidelines
Case studies will be conducted on certain country projects, providing in-depth detail into the commodity procurement and distribution system, provider and client perceptions of LNG IUS, and other activities of interest to the ICA Foundation and/or the receiving organization. The case study guidelines highlight specific methods and information to be included in the case study report. Discussion and arrangement with the ICA Foundation should be arranged before case study procedures begin.
ICA Foundation Template for Expired Product Notification
LNG IUS recipient organizations in possession of expired LNG IUS products are required to submit the following form to the ICA Foundation, detailing procedures for proper disposal and destruction of expired product.