11,281 Number of women aged 15-49 (thousands)1 1.86 Total Fertility Rate (TFR)1 68% Percent of Married Women 15-49 Using Contraception, Modern Methods2 4.9% Percent of women using IUDs Among Modern Contraceptive Users3 13.7% Percent of Married Women with Unmet Need for Family Planning2
(1) United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2022). World Population Prospects: The 2022 Revision, custom data acquired via website (2) United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2022). Model-based Estimates and Projections of Family Planning Indicators 2022, custom data acquired via website (3) UN Contraceptive Use by Method Data Booklet 2019
Collaboration between Argentina and ICA Foundation began in 2016 with an initial donation of 250 LNG IUS devices and until today in total 3.900 units of LNG IUS have been inserted. The Foundation’s partner in Argentina in the Fundación para la Salud del Adolescente, Asociatión Civil (FUSA AC) is a civil association created in 2010 for adolescent helath. FUSA carries out service delivery, training for health professionals, and research activities in the field of adolescent health, with emphasis on sexual and reproductive health. Since 2010 the group has expanded to include the FUSA Civil Association (FUSA AC) and a comprehensive health care center, Casa FUSA, providing extensive experience in interdisciplinary work with adolescents and youth in the field of health. FUSA became a member association of International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) in 2010.
ECOS Foundation / ESAR
The LNG IUS supplies are received and distributed by ECOS Foundation (Space Córdoba Health). Founded in 2013, ECOS Foundation in Cordoba is a non-profit NGO representing the ESAR Foundation in Argentina and coordinating and providing technical assistance to 19 health providers throughout the country in promotion of health in general, and in matters of sexual and reproductive health, providing information and attention on topics related to health, advising and guiding in health services free of charge and donating supplies in the area of sexual and reproductive health to providers of their network of services and women who require it. ECOS Cordoba has prioritized the collaboration with ICA Foundation in order to increase the acceptance “LARCs” (long acting reversible contraception methods), including LNG IUS. ICA Foundation’s partnership with ECOS in Argentina began with an initial shipment of 100 LNG IUS to Cordoba in December 2018, and so far in total 600 units have been donated to the program.