8,322 Number of women aged 15-49 (thousands)1 3.45 Total Fertility Rate (TFR)1 31% Percent of Married Women 15-49 Using Contraception, Modern Methods2 0.4% Percent of women using IUDs Among Modern Contraceptive Users3 30.5% Percent of Married Women with Unmet Need for Family Planning2
1 United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2022). World Population Prospects: The 2022 Revision, custom data acquired via website
2 United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2022). Model-based Estimates and Projections of Family Planning Indicators 2022, custom data acquired via website
3 UN Contraceptive Use by Method Data Booklet 2019
Ghana Health Service (GHS)
The Ghana Health Service (GHS) is a Public Service body established under Act 525 if 1996 as required by the 1992 constitution. It is an autonomous Executive Agency responsible for implementation of national policies under the control of the Minister for Health through its governing Council – the Ghana Health Service Council. With a first donation of 1,000 in 2008, the LNG-IUS has been incorporated in the contraceptive method mix at 3 teaching hospitals and the Greater Accra Regional Health Directorate. The partnership with Ghana Health Service was invigorated in 2015 and in total 2.200 units have been donated until today.