
10,956 Number of women aged 15-49 (thousands)1 4.32 Total Fertility Rate (TFR)1 15.5% Percent of Married Women 15-49 Using Contraception, Modern Methods2 0.3% Percent of women using IUDs Among Modern Contraceptive Users3 28.4% Percent with Unmet Need for Family Planning2

1FUnited Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2022). World Population Prospects: The 2022 Revision, custom data acquired via website

2SUnited Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2022). Model-based Estimates and Projections of Family Planning Indicators 2022, custom data acquired via website

3UN Contraceptive Use by Method Data Booklet 2019

Sudan Family Planning Association

The Sudan Family Planning Association (SFPA) was established in 1956 by pioneers in obstetrics and gynecology in response to increases in maternal, neonatal, and infant mortality and morbidity. As the statistics show, Sudan is a country in great need of frontline sexual and reproductive health services. Advocacy and undertaking information, education, and communication programs are critical. SFPA is one of the leading organizations in Sudan providing a wide range of sexual and reproductive health services. SFPA is part of the global movement of strong voices safeguarding sexual and reproductive health issues as a rights-based organization. SFPA is a pioneer in providing youth friendly services and educational reporductive health information for young people. A major priority for SFPA is improving the status of women and enhancing their understanding of their rights. The organization allies sexual and reporductive health closely with development initiatives for women. Economic independence, of the capacity to make a significant contribution to a family’s income, empowers women, and with economic empowerment comes the potential for greater control over reproductive health and family planning. SFPA is an affiliate of the International Planned Parenthood Federation and is one of the largest WISH projects partnering with UNFPA. SFPA operates seven clusters of sites and received their first LNG IUS donation in April 2022.